Our Services

RFL Wealth Management is a trusted consultancy of professional financial advisors dedicated providing the best financial planning for physicians so internationally trained doctors like yourself can achieve peace of mind and financial independence.

Financial Planning

A comprehensive plan to help you understand how to get from point A to point Z. Through software and detailed conversations, we ensure the math adds up today and, in the future, so we can provide our clients with the best financial planning for physicians. By having a strategic financial life plan in place, you can make sure your financial future is safe. Whether you’re looking for the best retirement plan for physicians, resp planning for your little ones or tax planning to help you keep more of your hard-earned money, a RFL financial advisor has you covered.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is more than just a referral to our attorney. Experience the best financial planning for physicians and doctors. At RFL we begin with a review of your current situation and suggest tax planning strategies so you can maximize your wealth and reduce taxes for your children.

Investment Management

Maximize your retirement planning with our investment management expertise. Our investment approach utilizes customized plans also used by the likes of Harvard Endowment Fund and CPP. Using a diversified approach, our focus lies in tax-efficient investing to create generational wealth and provide you with the best retirement plan for physicians. Our scope goes well beyond just basic RRSP planning, so you can live comfortably now and in your golden years.

Tax Planning

The highest tax bracket is 53%. Implementing proper tax planning strategies today can drastically reduce your tax burden now and 10-20 years from now, when you need it most in retirement. RFL’s tax planning strategies you can keep more of your hard-earned money where it belongs – in your pocket.

Insurance Analysis

You may need life insurance, or you may already have sufficient coverage. Our financial advisors always begin with an in-depth conversation to analyze your true insurance needs. Stop buying expensive and insufficient insurance products and instead embrace a worry-free future with RFL Wealth’s financial planning for doctors.

Children's Education

The cost of higher education is increasing every year and government initiatives like RESP planning alone aren’t going to cut it. Prioritize your children’s education and dreams by maximizing your RESP planning in the most tax efficient manner with RFL’s education plans. Don’t risk being unprepared for the steep costs of higher education - secure their dreams with RFL’s financial planning services for physicians and their families.


Ready for your Rich,
Fulfilling Life?

As an internationally trained physician in Canada, you work hard to establish a successful practice and secure your family's future.

We get it. You are constantly sold investment and insurance products without true consideration for your lifestyle or financial well-being and goals.

As a physician you understand the importance of specialization. You wouldn’t want an ENT to perform open heart surgery, would you? No, so why would you let a general financial advisor handle your money. Your financial planning should cater to your needs as an internationally trained doctor because just basic RRSP planning and RESP planning won’t be sufficient to support you in retirement or send your children to school. Instead, your financial planning should focus on insurance for physician, utilizing your MPC so you can learn how to save income tax in Canada and live comfortably in your golden years with the best retirement plans for physicians. At RFL Wealth Management, we have taken out the guess work from Financial Life Planning. After our introductory call, our planners get to work to create a customized comprehensive Financial Life Plan as part of a fee-based service. Keeping your preferences in mind, we then present a plan to you with the independent products that best suit your needs. The decision to implement them is yours.

We pride ourselves on providing completely conflict-free advice. Book a call today to experience the RFL difference. And in the meantime, download our guide to choosing a financial planner for FREE below. “10 Tips When Choosing a Financial Advisor” provides you with advice as well as questions to ask a financial advisor so you can make sure you are making the best decision possible for you and your family.

It’s time you achieved Financial Peace.